Coroners Court New South Wales

Coronial findings and recommendations

To access a finding not listed here, please make application (DOC, 62.0 KB) to the Court. In some inquests recommendations are made to Ministers and Government and non-government agencies.

Showing 11-20 of 33 results

  • Recommended
    Decision of State Coroner O'Sullivan
    CORONIAL LAW – Aboriginal; First Nations; Wakamurra; Muruwari; Kunya; Bourke; Enngonia; single vehicle collision; rollover; inquest resumed; s.79 Coroners Act; colonisation; racism; Police Guidelines for the review of investigations relating to
  • Recommended
    Decision of Deputy State Coroner Grahame
    CORONIAL LAW – manner and cause of death – mental illness – family violence and neglect – family known to the NSW Department of Communities and Justice and the QLD Department of Child Safety, Seniors and Disability Service – neglect –
  • Recommended
    Decision of Deputy State Coroner Kennedy
    CORONIAL LAW – Death in police operation – death as a result of a fall from height – borderline personality disorder – BPD – Dialectical Behaviour Therapy – DBT – Blue Mountains Hospital – benzodiazepines
  • Recommended
    Decision of Deputy State Coroner Forbes
    CORONIAL LAW – cause and manner of death of a baby at birth–ultrasound report- continuous CTG monitoring-caesarean section-separation of the umbilical cord-transected placenta-NICU response
  • Recommended
    Decision of State Coroner O'Sullivan
    CORONIAL LAW - cause and manner of death, homicide
  • Recommended
    Decision of Deputy State Coroner Grahame
    CORONIAL LAW – Death in police operation – gunshot wounds by police officer – appropriateness of actions of NSW Police Force officers – use of “breach and hold” in a police operation involving a person suffering from an acute episode of
  • Recommended
    Decision of Magistrate Truscott
    CORONIAL LAW - Cause and manner of death - open finding as to manner - cause of death acid burns - application of acid by another - immigration fraud - gambling - debts
  • Recommended
    Decision of State Coroner O'Sullivan
    Inquests and Inquiries into the 2019/2020 NSW Bushfire Season - Volume 2
  • Recommended
    Decision of Deputy State Coroner Forbes
    CORONIAL LAW- death of six-year-old boy of a methadone overdose in his home - Opioid Treatment Program - prescribing of takeaway methadone - Department of Communities and Justice enquiries into safety of takeaway methadone use and storage by parents
  • Recommended
    Decision of Deputy State Coroner Baptie
    CORONIAL LAW – unexplained disappearance and whether missing person is now deceased, date and place, cause and manner of death
Page 2 of 4
Last updated:

06 May 2024

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