Coroners Court New South Wales

Help for missing persons

If one of your family members or friends is missing, the Families and Friends of Missing Persons Service  (FFMPS) can offer you support. FFMPS, which is part of the Department of Communities and Justice, works closely with both police and non-police tracing services, and co-ordinates a number of support services.

Services include:

  • a free and confidential counselling and support service
  • website containing useful information relating to missing people and their families
  • social media page for on-line support
  • links to other agencies that may be able to assist in searching for a missing person or assisting with other difficulties that may arise when someone is missing
  • support group meetings in metropolitan and regional locations for family members and friends
  • access to relevant publications

If the disappearance of your family member or friend is being investigated by the Coroner, guidance and information support is available to help you during the coronial process. FFMPU has produced ‘A guide to coronial services in NSW for families and friends of missing people’​. (PDF, 1.2 MB) 

If a Coroner makes a finding of death in regards to a missing person, those eligible may apply for a death certificate from the NSW Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages. A fact sheet titled 'Applying for a death certificate for a missing person in NSW' (PDF, 78.4 KB) explains this process in more detail.

Last updated:

03 Mar 2025

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