Coroners Court New South Wales

Coronial findings and recommendations

To access a finding not listed here, please make application (DOC, 62.0 KB) to the Court. In some inquests recommendations are made to Ministers and Government and non-government agencies.

Showing 41-50 of 82 results

  • Recommended
    Decision of Deputy State Coroner Forbes
    Coronial Law - natural causes death in custody
  • Recommended
    Decision of Deputy State Coroner Truscott
    Coronial law, cause and manner of death, natural, death in lawful custody
  • Recommended
    Decision of Deputy State Coroner Forbes
    CORONIAL LAW - homicide, mandatory inquest
  • Recommended
    Decision of Deputy State Coroner Grahame
    CORONIAL LAW - Alcohol related death, treatment for alcohol use disorder, involuntary treatment, IDAT, Managed alcohol programs (MAPS), Assertive Community Management
  • Recommended
    Decision of Deputy State Coroner Baptie
    Coronial Law, cause and manner of death, adequacy of medical care and treatment as an involuntary patient
  • Recommended
    Decision of Deputy State Coroner Truscott
    Coronial law, cause and manner of death, death in police operation, suicide, firearm
  • Recommended
    Decision of Deputy State Coroner Ryan
    Coronial Law - mandatory inquest, death of a person in custody, cause of death hanging, adequacy of care provided by the Justice Health and Forensic Mental Health Network, adequacy of custodial mental health care for inmates with severe and chronic
  • Recommended
    Decision of Deputy State Coroner Ryan
    Coronial Law - mandatory inquest, death of a person in a police operation, cause of death, appropriateness of response of NSW Police Force officers and of psychologist case worker, availability of NSW Real Time Prescription Monitoring Scheme
  • Recommended
    Decision of Deputy State Coroner Lee
    CORONIAL LAW - death in custody, cause and manner of death
  • Recommended
    Decision of Deputy State Coroner Lee
    CORONIAL LAW - cause and manner of death - sudden unexpected cardiac death - Army Recruit Course - Australian Defence Force - Army Recruit Training Centre - Kapooka - Exercise Challenge - Tunnel Obstacle - risk assessment - emergency extraction -
Page 5 of 9
Last updated:

06 May 2024

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