Coroners Court New South Wales

Funeral arrangements

You can proceed with funeral arrangements, even if a post mortem is to be conducted. A funeral director normally acts on behalf of the family and will liaise with the Coroner in relation to when the body will be released.

The body cannot be released until the initial post mortem is completed. In some situations, delays may occur because:

  • further medical tests are required

  • the body needs to be transported to the Sydney metropolitan area for a specialist post mortem

  • problems have arisen in confirming the identity of the deceased person

Read about how to arrange a viewing of the deceased person.

What happens if you cannot afford a funeral?

If you cannot afford the cost of a funeral, the State of NSW may provide a very basic burial or cremation service. Certain criteria apply.  For enquiries about this, please contact the NSW Department of Forensic Medicine on 9563 9000 or contact us.

Last updated:

05 Mar 2025

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