Coroners Court New South Wales

Coronial findings and recommendations

To access a finding not listed here, please make application (DOC, 62.0 KB) to the Court. In some inquests recommendations are made to Ministers and Government and non-government agencies.

Showing 11-20 of 92 results

  • Recommended
    Decision of Deputy State Coroner Grahame
    CORONIAL LAW – Death in custody; self-inflicted death; hanging in correctional centre; requests for medical treatment; sleep apnoea; obtaining CPAP machines in custody; adequacy of morning checks
  • Recommended
    Decision of Deputy State Coroner Ryan
    CORONIAL LAW – death as a result of fall from a height - – the manner of death – was police response appropriate
  • Recommended
    Decision of Deputy State Coroner Lee
    CORONIAL LAW – cause and manner of death, tracheostomy management, tracheostomy tube dislodgment, complex airway, bronchoscopy, monitoring of patient, rocuronium administration, blind instrumentation, resuscitation of patient, decompressive finger
  • Recommended
    Decision of Deputy State Coroner Kennedy
    CORONIAL LAW – death in custody – mandatory inquest – intentional self harm – plastic bags
  • Recommended
    Decision of Deputy State Coroner Ryan
    CORONIAL LAW – death of a man in lawful custody – requests for medical treatment – was response of the JH Network appropriate – would a more timely response have altered the outcome.
  • Recommended
    Decision of Deputy State Coroner Kennedy
    CORONIAL LAW – death in custody – mandatory inquest – cell placement – whether medical condition adequately managed
  • Recommended
    Decision of Deputy State Coroner Kennedy
    CORONIAL LAW – unascertained death, affects of splenic toxicology, effects of oxycodone and diazepam on respiratory illness, effects of significant decomposition affecting autopsy
  • Recommended
    Decision of Deputy State Coroner Ryan
    CORONIAL LAW – fatal shooting of a woman in 2004 – perpetrator unable to be identified – referral to Unsolved Homicide Squad.
  • Recommended
    Decision of Deputy State Coroner Kennedy
    CORONIAL LAW – maritime safety, safety standards for recreational vessels, certification of recreational vessels, product warnings for recreational vessels, code of conduct for boat brokers, Boating Industry Association, Australian Recreational
  • Recommended
    Decision of Deputy State Coroner Ryan
    CORONIAL LAW - death of inmate at the Prince of Wales Hospital Annex - natural causes death.
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Last updated:

06 May 2024

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