Coroners Court New South Wales

Finding services and support

If you are a relative or someone else affected by a death reported to the Coroner, there are support services available to you, including:

  • free short-term counselling
  • referral to other agencies for ongoing support
  • support for individuals and families exposed to deaths occurring in traumatic circumstances
  • support for family and friends of missing persons
  • assistance with understanding the role of the coroner and the court's processes
  • assistance for people with disabilities

Some of these services are provided by the Coroners Court, while others are provided by partner agencies and specialist social service providers. 

Video and teleconference

In some circumstances, video link technology can be made available for use during an inquest. The use of this technology is at the Coroner's discretion, and is most often used for interstate and overseas witnesses.

Please contact the Coroner's Court before the court date if it is impractical for you attend an inquest in person.

Interpreters and translators

If you need an interpreter when you contact the Coroner's Court, use the free Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS). Call 131 450 and ask them to contact us on (02) 8584 7777. 

Our telephone lines are open from 9 am to 4.30 pm, Monday to Friday. An interpreter will call the number while you are on the phone and translate what the Coroner's Court staff member says to you.

Interpreters can also be arranged for members of the deceased's family or anyone who has been called to give evidence at an inquest. Contact the court you will be attending if you need an interpreter.

Last updated:

10 Mar 2025

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